Welcome to Evie Life Psychiatry

We are a leading provider of comprehensive mental health services
We partner with you on your journey to mental wholeness
We are committed to fostering a warm and supportive therapeutic environment.

At Evie Life Psychiatry. We specializes in the treatment of Adults with ADHD, depression, anxiety, mood disorders and trauma related disorders. She treats the whole person. This involves focusing on how the mind and body are connected. We will dive into your sleep pattern, nutrition, stress level, exercise and relationships and how all of these can affect your overall mental health.

How we can help you

Comprehensive Psychiatric Evaluation (New Patients)

Follow up visits (Established Patients)


Do any of these sound familiar?

Can You Say Yes To One Or More Of These ?

Are you struggling with persistent sadness that interferes with your daily functioning?

Do you find yourself unable to engage in activities you once enjoyed?

Is panic, worry, and fear dominating your thoughts and actions, making it challenging to navigate through life’s demands?

Do you feel overwhelmed by the stressors of daily life?

Are you experiencing difficulties with focus and concentration?

Please know you are not alone and this is a safe space for you!